Our institution is dedicated to providing a challenging and comprehensive educational experience to all of our students. Our faculty is made up of experienced professionals who are passionate about their subjects and committed to the success of each student. Our state-of-the-art facilities provide an ideal environment for learning and personal growth.
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Learn From Industry Expert
Students will have the opportunity to learn directly from some of the industry’s top leaders. Our faculty is made up of some of the most knowledgeable experts in their respective fields. This ensures that students will be able to learn and apply the latest, cutting-edge theories and concepts in their work. Additionally, the faculty can provide direct feedback on the students’ learning process, helping them to grow both professionally and emotionally.
Smart, Agile and Empathy
Being adept at learning information and technologies, problem solving, and critical thinking, being able to quickly and effectively adapt to changing environments and scenarios and having empathy, understanding and compassion for those around you.


Being adept at learning information and technologies, problem solving, and critical thinking.


Being able to quickly and effectively adapt to changing environments and scenarios.


Having empathy, understanding and compassion for those around you.

Be in Demand with Our Professional Education

Drs. F.X. Sulistiyono, M.M - Direktur
  1. Computer skill
  2. Project management
  3. Analytical thinking
  4. Interpersonal skills
  5. Communication
  6. Creativity
  7. Leadership
  8. Time management
  9. Organization
  1. It is a platform where learners can access online courses taught by industry experts and professionals.
  2. It also offers certification programs and path-based learning paths that learners can follow to develop their skills.
  1. Be organized
  2. Listen and learn
  3. Working diligently
  4. Networking
  5. Embrace guidance
  6. Reading and research
  7. Remain inspired

Industry Partners


What Our Alumni Have To Say

Belajar untuk menjadi "bisa" dan menguasai pekerjaan, serta mengasah interpersonal skill ketika bekerja dengan rekan-rekan kerja.
Lia Trisna Asih Agustin
Secrataris, PT Asia Biogas Indonesia
ASEKMA Don Bosco tidak kalah bersaing dengan akademi lainnya, buktinya terst interview dengan user di perusahaan dan berhasil lolos.
Tetap semangat mahasiswi ASEKMA Don Bosco
Widanti Ratna Murti
Industrial Relation, PT Bintang Toedjoe
Setelah lulus dari ASEKMA Don Bosco, saya langsung mendapatkan pekerjaan. Ilmu yang saya dapatkan di sini sangat bermanfaat sampai sekarang.
Sukses terus ASEKMA DB
Sarah Aliffia
Sekretaris Deputi Komisioner, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
ASEKMA Don Bosco, pendidikan akademis dan karakter yang luar biasa bagus, sehingga lulusannyapun siap secara akademis dan intelektual dai dunia kerja.
Bangga menjadi lulusan ASEKMA DB
Choiria Riani
Secretaris BOD, PT East Jakarta Industiral Park (EJIP)